Featured Opinion Opinion | The battle for civil rights didn’t end in Selma — it still rages on Selma showed the world that change doesn’t come from waiting — it comes from marching, from pushing, from refusing to be silenced. Bill Britt2 days ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | Being silent is being complicit A moment in time: I was a young journalist, just hired by The Birmingham News. I was standing on the street outside the old... Joey KennedyJune 4, 2020
Opinion Opinion | COVID-19 has changed our state’s industry and workforce landscape, our goal remains the same The human toll of COVID-19 is unprecedented in Alabama, and businesses of all sizes have taken a shellacking due to the pandemic. As such,... Tim McCartneyJune 3, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | With liberty and justice for all As peaceful protests over the last week have been marred by violence and looting, the nation should be asking what kind of country we... Bill BrittJune 3, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Racism has broken America. We can fix it The happiest day of my life was March 9, 2018 — the day my daughter was born. People who know my wife and me,... Josh MoonJune 3, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Stellar group studying gambling in the state Another legislation session has passed, and Alabama still has no lottery. Actually, the Legislature does not in itself have the authority to pass a... Steve FlowersJune 3, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | The people have always been more important than the monuments Two participation trophies fell in Alabama on Monday night. No tears were shed. On the same day that the state “celebrated” Confederate Memorial Day... Josh MoonJune 2, 2020
Opinion Opinion | It’s past time to turn the page on racism, racial violence in America On June 10, 1963, President John F. Kennedy sent National Guard troops to accompany the first black students admitted to the University of Alabama.... Anthony DanielsJune 2, 2020
Opinion Opinion | To close the homework gap in our schools, let’s close the partisan divide in Washington As Alabama shut down its schools on March 16thand moved classes online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I was saddened but not surprised... Matt AkinJune 2, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | How can any of this be a surprise? I am a “race-baiter.” I have “white guilt.” I’m a “n—– lover.” I’m a “traitor to my race.” Over the course of my 20... Josh MoonJune 1, 2020
Opinion Opinion | Secretary of State responds to Alabama Political Reporter op-ed The following statement from Secretary of State John H. Merrill is in response to the inaccurate op-ed published yesterday morning by Josh Moon of... John MerrillMay 30, 2020