Featured Opinion Opinion | The battle for civil rights didn’t end in Selma — it still rages on Selma showed the world that change doesn’t come from waiting — it comes from marching, from pushing, from refusing to be silenced. Bill Britt2 days ago
Opinion Opinion | Comprehensive sex-ed for all can improve people’s health Last July, I spoke with Sky H., a 20-year–old who identifies as non-binary and grew up in a very conservative rural town in the... Annerieke Smaak DanielAugust 6, 2020
Opinion Opinion | The “United” States of America. Really? We’ve all had it pounded in our heads virtually from birth that we live in a united country of 50 different states. Truth is,... Larry LeeAugust 5, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Tommy Tuberville ran a good, disciplined campaign for Senate Old political maxims clearly played out true to form in the GOP runoff for our junior U.S. Senate seat on July 14. Tommy Tuberville... Steve FlowersAugust 5, 2020
Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s teachers are standing tall with return to classroom instruction All of the personality traits, values, and life lessons that we carry with us as adults were shaped and instilled in us by the... Nathaniel LedbetterAugust 4, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Humane Alabama prisons would be a real surprise Just some Christlike compassion and decent management. Getting either in Alabama’s prisons would be a huge surprise. Josh MoonAugust 3, 2020
Opinion Opinion | There’s still work to be done Last weekend should have been a shining moment for the state of Alabama, a celebration of the life and efforts of Congressman John Lewis... Sen. Chris ElliottAugust 3, 2020
Opinion Opinion | Dr. Wayne Reynolds should resign from the State Board of Education Dear Dr. Wayne Reynolds, Thank you so very much for apologizing to our awesome Gov. Kay Ivey for your comments made recently. First, let’s... Glenn HenryAugust 3, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | The inevitable is inevitable Donald Trump, in full panic mode – and that’s dangerous for the nation – floated the idea Thursday morning in (of course) a tweet... Joey KennedyJuly 31, 2020
Education Opinion | Parents are being asked to gamble their family’s safety over reopening schools. Don’t. The only reason we’re in this boat is because weak politicians, bowing to the ignorance of selfish people over the expertise and knowledge of... Josh MoonJuly 30, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | It will be Trump vs. Biden in November. Conventions will be anticlimactic The presidential race is onward. It will be incumbent Republican Donald Trump vs. former Vice President and 36-year veteran Democrat, Delaware U.S. Senator Joe... Steve FlowersJuly 29, 2020