Featured Opinion Opinion | The battle for civil rights didn’t end in Selma — it still rages on Selma showed the world that change doesn’t come from waiting — it comes from marching, from pushing, from refusing to be silenced. Bill Britt3 days ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | Legislative session begins "Republicans dominate both chambers, overwhelmingly." Steve FlowersFebruary 3, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s labor movement is showing up and making history "Not everyone is or knows a union member, but if you do, you know the importance of our fight." Bren RileyFebruary 2, 2021
Opinion Opinion | The necessity of American leadership in a post-COVID world "The world is safer when America is fully engaged." Will SellersFebruary 2, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Why Alabama’s “Rocket City” is the right choice for U.S. Space Command HQ "Huntsville’s concentration of aerospace engineers is among the highest in the nation." Greg CanfieldJanuary 29, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | The unintended consequences of pandering "A Republican lawmaker's bill would result in jail for Trump, Brooks and others had the Capitol riot occurred in Alabama." Josh MoonJanuary 28, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Congressman Mo Brooks is dangerous "In a Brooks America, a minority of white men would dominate every sphere of pubic life, while imposing religious order with Taliban-style justice." Bill BrittJanuary 27, 2021
Opinion Opinion | America’s truckers are important line of defense against human trafficking "Professional truck drivers are the eyes and ears of America’s roadways, serving a vital role in ending modern-day slavery." Mark ColsonJanuary 27, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Outstanding class of freshmen state senators "The 10-member class of Republican state senators is a sterling group." Steve FlowersJanuary 27, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Public school teachers have been heroes during the pandemic. Treat them like it "Once again, the lone line of defense for American school children is the public school teacher." Josh MoonJanuary 26, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Yelling “fire” in a crowded theater "In a last-ditch effort, they yelled 'fire!' in a crowded theater. There must be consequences for that." Joey KennedyJanuary 22, 2021