Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s mental health crisis demands urgent action If we claim to value life, we need to prove it. And that starts with recognizing that mental health care is a moral imperative. Bill Britt14 hours ago
Opinion Opinion | A year into the pandemic, truckers continue to deliver for Alabama "The trucking industry will continue to be there for Americans like we always have." Tom McLeodMarch 18, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Gambling and budgets priority for Legislature "The Legislature is at the midway point of the 2021 Regular Legislative Session." Steve FlowersMarch 17, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Williams and API say no raises for teachers "To suggest that because of disruption in the private sector, teachers shouldn't receive pay raises is frankly ludicrous." Bill BrittMarch 16, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Appeals Court upholds sentence for Hispanic man who likely fell asleep driving "Relying on speculation and bad law, the court allowed an unjust conviction and sentence to stand." Josh MoonMarch 15, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | A year of despair "The cliché is true: There is a light at the end of this dark tunnel." Joey KennedyMarch 13, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Thoughts on the aftermath of March 13, 2020 "In extraordinary times, an individual's character, and that of a state or nation, is revealed, and its essential nature is laid bare." Bill BrittMarch 11, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | The gambling bill was defeated. What happened and what’s next? The issue might not be dead just yet. Josh MoonMarch 10, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Women are our own saviors. And we always have been "Gender equity is not inevitable. Achieving this bold and audacious vision requires not only evolution, but revolution." Melanie R. BridgeforthMarch 10, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Birmingham’s political inside man "A good many of Alabama’s political leaders have found their way to the home of 'ole' Joe Fuller." Steve FlowersMarch 10, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | A lawsuit has been filed over the gambling bill. It is ridiculous. "The error-filled lawsuit makes a lot of claims, backs up none of them and generally angles to keep the status quo." Josh MoonMarch 9, 2021