Featured Opinion Opinion | Self-reliance fades as conformity and cowardice take hold, resist The courage to stand alone, to challenge the mob, to think for oneself — these are no longer virtues but liabilities. Bill Britt8 hours ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | Can you handle the truth? Make no mistake: A decent percentage of young people are getting the virus now. Joey KennedyAugust 7, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Want to be a patriot? There’s an easy way "Being a true patriot means fighting for your country, your fellow citizens and doing everything you can to protect both. Getting vaccinated covers all... Josh MoonAugust 6, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Katie Britt: It’s long past time we talk about mental health "We all need to begin addressing mental health as seriously and openly as we address all other physical health issues." U.S. Senator Katie BrittAugust 6, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Why Tarrant councilman’s racial slur is so inexcusable "White people, it’s still off-limits to you. The history of our nation makes it so." David PersonAugust 5, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Governor Ivey should coast to re-election "Governor Kay Ivey is the prohibitive favorite to win a full second term next year." Steve FlowersAugust 4, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Ignore the attacks. The AEA is public education’s only hope in Alabama "With AEA's influence growing again, the right-wing attacks have started. Because it's the only hope to protect public education." Josh MoonAugust 3, 2021
Opinion Opinion | UAB pediatrician: What we know about COVID vaccines Dr. Morissa Ladinsky says children are at risk from COVID-19, and vaccines can help protect them and their families. Dr. Morissa LadinskyAugust 2, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Tim James: A house divided against itself cannot stand "The problem is not the unvaccinated, but rather those spawning division among the population. It’s the blame game." Tim JamesJuly 29, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Vision 2025: Continuing the progress in Birmingham "Birmingham is on that path to the future. It is a path of diversity, equity, and inclusion." Randall WoodfinJuly 29, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Gov. Ivey: The Trump administration gave us the best weapons against COVID-19 "In Alabama, my advice has been simple and consistent. If you can take the shot, roll up your sleeve and get one." Kay IveyJuly 28, 2021