Featured Opinion Opinion | Self-reliance fades as conformity and cowardice take hold, resist The courage to stand alone, to challenge the mob, to think for oneself — these are no longer virtues but liabilities. Bill Britt14 hours ago
Opinion Opinion | Manufacturing Day: Nothing happens without manufacturing "Here in Alabama, 13 percent of our employment is manufacturing and produces 17 percent of our state economic output." Maury D. GastonOctober 1, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Chief Justice Tom Parker was right about open records law "I, much to my surprise, agree with Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Parker, perhaps the court’s most conservative jurist." David PersonSeptember 30, 2021
Opinion Opinion | A California solution to an Alabama problem? "In the early 2000s, California had a prison crisis that was analogous to what we're seeing in Alabama." Christopher EnglandSeptember 30, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | We now have a very youthful federal judiciary in Alabama "This host of federal jurists in Alabama will be one of Sen. Richard Shelby’s lasting legacies." Steve FlowersSeptember 29, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Prisons: Alabama can do better "When an individual enters prison, they lose their freedom, not their humanity." Bill BrittSeptember 27, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Katie Britt: Fighting for Alabama’s family farms "I saw firsthand that farming acts as the economic engine for communities in every corner of our state." U.S. Senator Katie BrittSeptember 27, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | COVID: Doublespeak and gobbledygook Imagine being so afraid of losing your public office that you allow the least informed to inform your policies. Joey KennedySeptember 26, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Alabama has kicked the “prison problem” can for far too long "We’re reaching down and picking up this can once and for all because it’s the right thing to do." Kay IveySeptember 24, 2021
Opinion Opinion | 20 years after mine disaster, Brookwood miners are still fighting for safety "We’re not backing down, because when tragedy strikes a workplace, it is the union that ensures there is never a return to 'business as... Liz ShulerSeptember 23, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Lessons from Mayberry: Andy wouldn’t suffer the MAGAs "The simple fact is that Trump supporters, and most 2021 Republicans, wouldn’t fit into the Mayberry they claim to love." Josh MoonSeptember 23, 2021