Featured Opinion Opinion | Self-reliance fades as conformity and cowardice take hold, resist The courage to stand alone, to challenge the mob, to think for oneself — these are no longer virtues but liabilities. Bill Britt14 hours ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | Millions of dollars’ worth of bluster We Dare to Spend Millions of Taxpayer Dollars Unsuccessfully Defending Our Rights. Joey KennedyOctober 24, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | It’s chicken dancing season Election season in Alabama turns up the heat on the newest batch of dancing chickens Josh MoonOctober 21, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Defense spending important for Alabama We as Alabamians can and should look closely as to who can and will work the hardest to protect defense and agriculture. Steve FlowersOctober 20, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Legislature: Who is in and who is out? When these 23 men and women walk out the door of the Legislature, so will hundreds of combined years of institutional knowledge. Beth ChapmanOctober 19, 2021
Opinion Opinion | The perpetual winner Countless books and articles explore the Churchill legacy, but perhaps his greatest attribute is that he followed his own advice. Will SellersOctober 18, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Sunday brunch: Questions, but few answers “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Joey KennedyOctober 17, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Seniority vs. Senility The question becomes, how old is too old to be a U.S. senator? Steve FlowersOctober 13, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | There’s no plan to feed the kids There are plans to build prisons and fight a theory that doesn't exist in our schools, but addressing a food shortage? We got nothing. Josh MoonOctober 12, 2021
Opinion Opinion | A tribute to Alabama farmers It’s the only profession we need every day of our lives and the only one we must have to survive. Beth ChapmanOctober 12, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Why is everyone talking about inflation? The problem is, when it is cheaper and easier to borrow money, prices rise. Dr. Allen MendenhallOctober 12, 2021