Featured Opinion Opinion | The battle for civil rights didn’t end in Selma — it still rages on Selma showed the world that change doesn’t come from waiting — it comes from marching, from pushing, from refusing to be silenced. Bill Britt2 days ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | The real lesson of that awful salute in Mountain Brook The Heil Hitler salute symbolizes a regime that committed genocide on its Jewish citizens and others in the Holocaust. Joey KennedyFebruary 13, 2022
Opinion Opinion | The 2022 World Games will showcase Alabama The World Games 2022 gives Birmingham and Alabama a true chance to shine. Steve FlowersFebruary 9, 2022
Opinion Opinion | Human trafficking is modern day slavery and it’s time to end it As Alabama’s next Senator, I’ll fight to end human trafficking across Alabama and our nation, and I will always support the victims. U.S. Senator Katie BrittFebruary 8, 2022
Opinion Opinion | The power of incumbency The power of incumbency is a mighty sword. Just how deep it cuts into this year’s election is yet to be seen. Beth ChapmanFebruary 7, 2022
Opinion Opinion | The terrors of justice In America, executive power is not absolute, and our rule of law requires that even emergency actions be reviewed. Will SellersFebruary 7, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Screwed-up priorities in a screwed-up country “Not a single kid has died in a mass reading, yet they’re banning books instead of guns.” Joey KennedyFebruary 6, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Vacant Republicans get free pass from voters Unless voters hold these wannabe leaders accountable, make them answer hard questions, they won’t. Joey KennedyJanuary 30, 2022
Health Opinion | Alabama Unites Against COVID stressing vaccination, testing COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective in reducing severity of disease, hospitalizations, and deaths, and available to the public free of charge. Scott Harris, M.D., M.P.HJanuary 27, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | What has the GOP done for you? Democrats brought health care, better roads, bridges, internet, sewer and water lines, and money for schools. What have Republicans done? Josh MoonJanuary 27, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Allen ups the ante on Confederate monuments to the detriment of the state Confederate nostalgia isn’t good business. It makes Alabama look backward and traitorous. David PersonJanuary 27, 2022