Featured Opinion Opinion | A compromise between the ADVA board, governor would best serve Alabama’s vets A compromise might be the best way to ensure Alabama's veterans get the help and support they need and deserve. Josh Moon10 hours ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | Take action, lead My wife and I lived in New York City on 9/11 and heard the first plane roar overhead before crashing into tower one of... Bill BrittMarch 30, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Ivey gets serious about coronavirus. Finally Finally. For the first time since the COVID-19 crisis began in Alabama a couple of weeks ago, Gov. Kay Ivey finally, on Friday, seemed... Josh MoonMarch 27, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | In a party without a plan, Ainsworth stands alone I am a practical person. I place a lot of value on a practical, sensible approach to problem solving. Which is why I tend... Josh MoonMarch 26, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | For the love of money, people will die Just as Donald Trump is leaving it to individual states to set policies on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey is... Joey KennedyMarch 26, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Have hope Healthcare professionals and scientists seem to indicate that we are closer to the beginning of the COVID-19 calamity than at the middle or the... Bill BrittMarch 25, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Want to slow the spread of coronavirus? Tell people the truth Alabama hospitals are running out of ICU beds. And ventilators. Frontline staff is overworked. Nurses and doctors are running low on personal protective equipment... Josh MoonMarch 25, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | U.S. Senate runoff moved to July The GOP contest for who sits in our number two U.S. Senate seat has been delayed until July 14, 2020 due to the coronavirus.... Steve FlowersMarch 25, 2020
Featured Opinion How the coronavirus can upend a life in just a few days The direct message on Twitter came from a familiar name, which made the contents a bit more unsettling. My cousin, Payton, was writing to... Josh MoonMarch 24, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | The tumbleweed effect It’s a Wednesday in March, and I’m standing on a sidewalk between the Alys Stephens Performing Arts Center and Spencer Honors House at UAB.... Joey KennedyMarch 20, 2020
Featured Opinion Analysis | Alabama Power is keeping the lights on for everyone, that’s not enough for some Alabama Power Company last week announced that it had not and would not disconnect any of its utility customers during the COVID-19 crisis. That... Bill BrittMarch 19, 2020