Featured Opinion Opinion | It’s time to learn new MLK quotes There will be thousands of the "content of character" quotes from rightwing politicians today. It's time to learn new King quotes. Josh Moon10 hours ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | How has coronavirus affected Alabama politics? As we end the first half of 2020, there is no doubt that the coronavirus is the story of the year. The coronavirus saga... Steve FlowersJune 24, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | This is who we are That noose in the garage — that’s us. The Confederate statues all over the place and the ignorant law protecting them — that’s us. ... Josh MoonJune 23, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | A noose was left in Bubba Wallace’s garage stall. A coward put it there There was a noose found hanging in NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace’s garage stall at Talladega on Sunday afternoon. A coward put it there. It... Josh MoonJune 22, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Admitting error is not a sign of weakness We would be so much better off with more Glen Pruitts in the political world. There are, right now, dozens of people laughing at... Josh MoonJune 18, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | A tunnel too far? My colleague Josh Moon last week wrote a truthful (if scathing) column about the legacy of former governor George C. Wallace. After laying out his... Joey KennedyJune 18, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Who will stand and lead? Alabama is beset by a worldwide pandemic, economic collapse and a growing cry for social justice for its black citizens. Anyone of these crises... Bill BrittJune 17, 2020
Congress Opinion | Mo Brooks: The voice of the Alabama Republican Party The voice of the Alabama Republican Party thinks George Floyd was a “druggie” and a “thug” whose death shouldn’t cause outrage — and that... Josh MoonJune 17, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Why George Wallace said “no” to the U.S. Senate My next book on Alabama politics will expound on who I believe have been the top 60 political leaders in Alabama over the past... Steve FlowersJune 17, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | There is no redemption for George Wallace George Wallace’s name doesn’t deserve to be on any building anywhere. That there is debate about this is, quite frankly, astounding. And it’s yet... Josh MoonJune 12, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | How to change a heritage of hate Why are you so adamant about keeping Confederate symbols around? That’s the part of this debate that I have never been able to wrap... Josh MoonJune 11, 2020