Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s Ten Commandment’s bill: A power grab disguised as faith If Alabama’s leaders truly respected both religion and the Constitution, they would uphold the separation of church and state. Bill Britt16 hours ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | Prisons, justice reform and the art of the possible Politics is bound by the art of what's possible. It is also true that those who never dare the impossible rarely achieve even the... Bill BrittOctober 15, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Laura Casey offers sunshine for the PSC Last time she ran for PSC president in 2016, Cavanaugh didn’t have an opponent. This time, however, she does. Joey KennedyOctober 15, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | GOP control of U.S. Senate critical for Alabama If the U.S. Senate flips from Republican to Democratic, our iconic senior Sen. Richard Shelby loses the chairmanship of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee... Steve FlowersOctober 14, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Doug Jones believes in Alabama voters, even if they don’t deserve it For some reason, Jones still has faith. Josh MoonOctober 12, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | A rubber stamp or a thinker? Pick the thinker Tuberville is nothing but a rubber stamp for Republicans. And rubber stamps are not thinkers. Joey KennedyOctober 9, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Amendment 4: Stairway to heaven or highway to hell? If you wouldn't trust that august body to manage your checkbook, reconfigure your last will and testament, or redefine the terms of your car... Bill BrittOctober 8, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | The story of the Dixiecrats and 1948 Truman election as president This split in the Southern Democratic ranks was due to civil rights and race. Truman had promoted civil rights legislation. The South revolted. Steve FlowersOctober 7, 2020
Elections Opinion | New AUM poll: We’re all losing Slap an R out beside the name of an actual tree and 60 percent of Alabama voters would slog into a voting booth and... Josh MoonOctober 6, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | The laziest man in politics He hasn’t bothered to learn even the most basic things about our government, our laws or the state he plans to represent. Josh MoonOctober 2, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Gov. Kay Ivey didn’t cave Ivey stood her ground on Wednesday, refusing to cave to those who want to end the mask order. Bill BrittOctober 1, 2020