Featured Opinion Opinion | Ledbetter’s “In God We Trust” honors America’s founding principles Questions of faith and governance often stir division, but Ledbetter’s gesture reminds us of the enduring values that have guided this nation. Bill Britt3 days ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | All of the GOP selfishness laid out in a single bill "Do you get to keep your health coverage for the next five years after leaving or getting laid off from a job?" Josh MoonFebruary 5, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Leave health decisions to the experts "Health policy should be left up to the physicians and scientists, not a panel of lay people who might have political motivations." Joey KennedyFebruary 5, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Fringe ideologues threaten state’s economic future "If Alabama continues to pass legislation and promote ideas of racial injustice and hatred, it will not achieve its potential." Bill BrittFebruary 4, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Voters aren’t holding Alabama politicians accountable, and it shows "The silence of ALGOP voters on the actions of ALGOP lawmakers is creating an environment where corruption can thrive." Josh MoonFebruary 3, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Legislative session begins "Republicans dominate both chambers, overwhelmingly." Steve FlowersFebruary 3, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | The unintended consequences of pandering "A Republican lawmaker's bill would result in jail for Trump, Brooks and others had the Capitol riot occurred in Alabama." Josh MoonJanuary 28, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Congressman Mo Brooks is dangerous "In a Brooks America, a minority of white men would dominate every sphere of pubic life, while imposing religious order with Taliban-style justice." Bill BrittJanuary 27, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Outstanding class of freshmen state senators "The 10-member class of Republican state senators is a sterling group." Steve FlowersJanuary 27, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Public school teachers have been heroes during the pandemic. Treat them like it "Once again, the lone line of defense for American school children is the public school teacher." Josh MoonJanuary 26, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Yelling “fire” in a crowded theater "In a last-ditch effort, they yelled 'fire!' in a crowded theater. There must be consequences for that." Joey KennedyJanuary 22, 2021