Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s Ten Commandment’s bill: A power grab disguised as faith If Alabama’s leaders truly respected both religion and the Constitution, they would uphold the separation of church and state. Bill Britt8 hours ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | There’s a new prison bill. Should it live or die? "Until taxpayers get assurances that Alabama's prison system will be cleaned up, we shouldn't spend a dime on new buildings." Josh MoonSeptember 9, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | 20th anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attacks "I asked several of our state leaders their memories of that fateful day. Allow me to share some of their experiences." Steve FlowersSeptember 8, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | 9/11 and a now-divided nation "Sadly, we are no longer one nation under God indivisible, seeking liberty and justice for all, but we can be." Bill BrittSeptember 7, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Acceptance means a lot in education There’s no doubt, the Magic City Acceptance Academy is here to stay. Joey KennedySeptember 5, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Congress needs Mo Brooks’ phone records "Brooks, Trump and others are unrepentant and undeterred. Which is why the House Select Committee needs their phone records." David PersonSeptember 3, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | A majority of voters want expanded gambling, lottery. There’s little opposition. Why can’t it get done? "The gambling bill would generate nearly a billion dollars in tax revenue annually and create more than 12,000 jobs. That seems worthwhile." Josh MoonSeptember 2, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Trump comes to Alabama "Trump is truly an entertainer and Alabama is truly Trump Country." Steve FlowersSeptember 1, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Why are you so angry? "To date, no one has identified a motive for why the country's doctors and scientists would be trying to trick everyone into wearing a... Josh MoonAugust 30, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Mayor Woodfin grows stronger Woodfin may very well be building a dynasty. Joey KennedyAugust 29, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | A conservative epiphany: Alabama workers have very few rights Employer vaccine mandates have led to a sudden realization among the conservative working class. Josh MoonAugust 26, 2021