Featured Opinion Opinion | Ledbetter’s “In God We Trust” honors America’s founding principles Questions of faith and governance often stir division, but Ledbetter’s gesture reminds us of the enduring values that have guided this nation. Bill Britt3 days ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | Summer political happenings "Most of the horses are in the chute for the May 24, 2022, primary election. So let the fun begin." Steve FlowersAugust 18, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Mask protests aren’t about freedom, they’re about selfishness "Schools have every right to protect the children. And they should keep doing so, despite the rhetoric and cries from the anti-mask crowd. " Josh MoonAugust 17, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Loss in Afghanistan and the Angry White Man’s last gasp After two decades of fighting, we walk away from Afghanistan, having accomplished little, if anything. Joey KennedyAugust 15, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Pandemic reveals the truth: Alabama’s conservative government is a failure "By every measure, the conservative approach in this state has failed during the pandemic." Josh MoonAugust 12, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Status of race for Shelby’s seat "Winning the GOP Primary is tantamount to election in the Heart of Dixie." Steve FlowersAugust 11, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Business leaders must do what government can’t or won’t "If vaccinated individuals do not feel safe to return to work or shop, dine and carry on a regular routine, businesses will suffer." Bill BrittAugust 9, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Can you handle the truth? Make no mistake: A decent percentage of young people are getting the virus now. Joey KennedyAugust 7, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Want to be a patriot? There’s an easy way "Being a true patriot means fighting for your country, your fellow citizens and doing everything you can to protect both. Getting vaccinated covers all... Josh MoonAugust 6, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Why Tarrant councilman’s racial slur is so inexcusable "White people, it’s still off-limits to you. The history of our nation makes it so." David PersonAugust 5, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Governor Ivey should coast to re-election "Governor Kay Ivey is the prohibitive favorite to win a full second term next year." Steve FlowersAugust 4, 2021