Featured Opinion Opinion | Ledbetter’s “In God We Trust” honors America’s founding principles Questions of faith and governance often stir division, but Ledbetter’s gesture reminds us of the enduring values that have guided this nation. Bill Britt3 days ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | A majority of voters want expanded gambling, lottery. There’s little opposition. Why can’t it get done? "The gambling bill would generate nearly a billion dollars in tax revenue annually and create more than 12,000 jobs. That seems worthwhile." Josh MoonSeptember 2, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Trump comes to Alabama "Trump is truly an entertainer and Alabama is truly Trump Country." Steve FlowersSeptember 1, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Why are you so angry? "To date, no one has identified a motive for why the country's doctors and scientists would be trying to trick everyone into wearing a... Josh MoonAugust 30, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Mayor Woodfin grows stronger Woodfin may very well be building a dynasty. Joey KennedyAugust 29, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | A conservative epiphany: Alabama workers have very few rights Employer vaccine mandates have led to a sudden realization among the conservative working class. Josh MoonAugust 26, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Trump delivers fire and brimstone … vaccine? "The United States of America stands or falls on the strength of the citizen's support of the Constitution and not any one individual." Bill BrittAugust 25, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | More summer political happenings "The big money in next year’s election will be on the state legislative races." Steve FlowersAugust 25, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | God sends us help; some of us mistakenly turn it away What is striking, however, is how many people of deep faith refuse to wear masks or take the available vaccines for COVID. Joey KennedyAugust 22, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | “God-fearing” Alabama plans to use nitrogen hypoxia system to kill "No state deserves that power, especially since the poor and people of color are the primary targets." David PersonAugust 20, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | A GOP lawmaker didn’t know about redlining, they want to keep it that way "A private meeting at a church between several bipartisan lawmakers sparked some hope of better understanding. Then came CRT." Josh MoonAugust 19, 2021