Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s Ten Commandments bill: A power grab disguised as faith If Alabama’s leaders truly respected both religion and the Constitution, they would uphold the separation of church and state. Bill Britt1 hour ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | We’re watching hate unfold. Again. Gender-affirming medical treatment is supported by every major medical association because such care is evidence-based. Joey KennedyMarch 6, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Kay Ivey still favorite to win re-election Furthermore, my guess is that she wins without a runoff. Steve FlowersMarch 2, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Republicans really hate Russia — now As late as last week, a whole bunch of prominent Republicans (and not-so-prominent Republicans) were cheering on Russia and Putin. Josh MoonFebruary 28, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | The “Angry White Man” is afraid The Angry White Men are so afraid of others who are not like them because they’ll soon be the minority. Joey KennedyFebruary 26, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama doesn’t need any more abortion laws The state has already taken aim at Roe v. Wade — anything else is either genuinely misguided or political posturing. Jacob HolmesFebruary 25, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Oakwood Adventist Academy basketball is a real First Amendment case I believe in the First Amendment – and in a society that seeks to accommodate those of all faiths and no faith. David PersonFebruary 24, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | 2022 Senate race will be most expensive in state history It will be an interesting and expensive three-month show. It will be fun to watch. Steve FlowersFebruary 23, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | What is the standard for appointed state leadership? The responsibility to ensure integrity in the leadership of state agencies rests squarely on the shoulders of those elected by the people. Bill BrittFebruary 21, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Poor Republican candidates; bless their hearts And here we are on Feb. 20. The Republican primary isn’t until late May. We are going to be subjected to this drivel for... Joey KennedyFebruary 20, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Significance of Trump’s endorsements in Alabama races Alabamians more than any other state have a pronounced proclivity of not voting for a candidate that someone endorses. Steve FlowersFebruary 17, 2022