Featured Opinion Opinion | Ledbetter’s “In God We Trust” honors America’s founding principles Questions of faith and governance often stir division, but Ledbetter’s gesture reminds us of the enduring values that have guided this nation. Bill Britt2 days ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | Who will “stop the steal” in the Senate District 27 election? Jay Hovey won the Republican primary, but he is now having to fight to have only legal votes counted. Bill BrittJune 29, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Open, fair primaries should be the goal for Alabama The farce in the Whatley-Hovey Alabama Senate race is a perfect example of political parties having too much control over elections. Josh MoonJune 27, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | The slippery slope fallacy Much of the talk now is about the slippery slope. You know, one thing happens, but that triggers a lot of much worse things.... Joey KennedyJune 27, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Low turnout, high stakes Only 13 percent of Alabamians turned out to vote in the June 21 runoff election. Beth ChapmanJune 27, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | A rare dose of sanity in an Alabama election Up and down the ballot on Tuesday, when given the option, voters in Alabama chose the less radical candidates. Josh MoonJune 22, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | A Tuesday election and nobody cares How many of Alabama’s eligible voters will bother with casting a ballot on Tuesday? Joey KennedyJune 20, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Rep. Steve Clouse: Katie Britt is the clear Alabama First candidate for Senate Katie poses a threat to the goals of other states because they know she will put Alabama first. Steve ClouseJune 20, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Katie Britt will be the next U.S. Senator from Alabama Britt's rise personally and politically, in many ways, is the American dream writ large, where hard work and determination result in success. Bill BrittJune 16, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Why aren’t you angry? The Jan. 6 Committee has laid bare Trump's con game. The only question is why aren't you mad about it. Josh MoonJune 14, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | What’s love got to do with it? Everything At election time the bigotry really surfaces, becomes part of million-dollar ad campaigns, and stirs even more hate into Alabama’s long-broken political and moral... Joey KennedyJune 13, 2022