Featured Opinion Opinion | State-enforced prayer betrays the founders’ vision of freedom Religious freedom is not the right to impose faith — it is the right to choose it. Bill Britt3 days ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | Why Devyn Keith’s arrest divided Huntsville I want Keith to get the second chance that we all want when we get in trouble. Whether innocent or guilty. David PersonFebruary 10, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Do we need Black History Month? Yep Our high school students can’t even have a true Black History Month, one that requires thinking, self-reflection, learning. Joey KennedyFebruary 10, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Gov. Ivey is right about gambling. Now, fix it. Ivey has been outspoken about wanting to fix the gambling problem in this state. Now is the time. Josh MoonFebruary 2, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Again and again. And yes, again. There are issues that most of Alabama knows we need to address. I’ll write about them over and over again. Joey KennedyJanuary 31, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | A vague bill promises to ban something it seems A group of Republican lawmakers wants to ban "divisive concepts." The bill should die a quick death. Bill BrittJanuary 30, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Hasn’t this state done enough to the Native people? Can’t they be given back the stolen remains of their people? So they can be laid to rest in peace? David PersonJanuary 27, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | School choice? OK, let’s do it Real school choice is an excellent idea. But what's being pushed by the right isn't school choice, it's segregation. Josh MoonJanuary 25, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | The Alabama Democrats are going to fight again The party is gearing up for a meeting on Saturday in which proposed bylaws changes are sure to be hotly debated. Josh MoonJanuary 20, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | If a racially just Alabama is what you want, prove it Inauguration speeches came on a day when Alabama has chosen to honor both Martin Luther King and Robert E. Lee. Josh MoonJanuary 17, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | The war on Alabama women continues It's not enough, apparently, that the state has inserted itself between women and doctors. It also wants to keep them perpetually afraid and confused. Josh MoonJanuary 12, 2023