Featured Opinion Opinion | Ledbetter’s “In God We Trust” honors America’s founding principles Questions of faith and governance often stir division, but Ledbetter’s gesture reminds us of the enduring values that have guided this nation. Bill Britt1 day ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama is on the wrong side of voting rights — again When Alabama's lawyers enter a federal courtroom to argue its redistricting case, they won't be on the side of fairness and equal rights. Josh MoonAugust 14, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | The Montgomery mayoral race: A race about race — again In the race for Montgomery's mayor's office, some are seizing on racial issues to push a whole other agenda. Josh MoonAugust 3, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | The dysfunctional Isner-Kelley-Reed political throuple All Democratic hands should be on deck in this new, troubling phase of the voting rights fight. But they aren’t. David PersonAugust 3, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Something terrible? Alabama’s got a scheme for that We have no ideas about fixing health care or public education or rampant pollution. But we've got plenty of awful schemes. Josh MoonJuly 31, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s redistricting effort was worse than it seemed It seemed bad that Alabama Republicans refused to draw a second majority-Black district. But it was actually much worse. Josh MoonJuly 25, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | The court must restore justice and fairness to Alabama The special session was simply a partisan exercise of raw political power that laid waste to justice and fairness. Bill BrittJuly 24, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Why it took so long for Tuberville to denounce white nationalists As ridiculous as Tuberville’s various public declarations about white supremacy were, the truth is he wasn’t the first. David PersonJuly 21, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Let’s hope the kids aren’t watching this redistricting process Fairness and equal rights apparently play no role in the redistricting process, as far as Republicans are concerned. Josh MoonJuly 18, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s AG should be protecting voting rights Alabama Republicans are likely to lose a congressional district, because they've spent decades leaning into racism. Josh MoonJuly 17, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | For today, racism is bad for the GOP GOP leaders condemned white nationalists and racism on Tuesday. It would be nice if they did so when it really mattered. Josh MoonJuly 12, 2023