Featured Opinion Opinion | Ledbetter’s “In God We Trust” honors America’s founding principles Questions of faith and governance often stir division, but Ledbetter’s gesture reminds us of the enduring values that have guided this nation. Bill Britt2 days ago
Featured Opinion In police shooting, Decatur police, city officials have some explaining to do Videos of the shooting by Decatur police of Stephen Perkins have raised questions that need to be answered truthfully. Josh MoonOctober 6, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s kids face lots of problems. Libraries aren’t one. Our elected leaders keep focusing on phony issues because they have no idea how to solve the real ones. Josh MoonOctober 5, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Republicans: A misguided crusade in culture wars If Republicans truly aim to win hearts and minds, perhaps it's time to remember that progress isn't the enemy. Bill BrittOctober 3, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | The bigots are winning because of the cowards Our elected leaders have an opportunity to turn back the bigotry driving attacks on libraries and schools. Instead, they're encouraging it. Josh MoonOctober 2, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | It’s time for Alabama A&M to head to Montgomery The federal government calculates that AAMU and other historically black, land grant institutions were severely underfunded. David PersonSeptember 29, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | On immigration, some Republicans are so close to getting it The southern border horror stories Republicans talk about can't be solved with simple, bumper-sticker solutions. Josh MoonSeptember 28, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | What a day for Alabama Republicans The national embarrassment of the state on Tuesday was truly something to behold. Josh MoonSeptember 27, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | “School choice” is a scam designed to hurt the most vulnerable students We know the answers to fixing struggling schools. But a lot of people would just rather take the money and run. Josh MoonSeptember 21, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | It’s time for Biden to replace Garland with Doug Jones Merrick Garland's timid, calculating approach doesn't work for today's political climate. Josh MoonSeptember 18, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Live Oak: Reckoning with Alabama’s Confederate ghosts They were the living embodiment of what Confederate had fought for: white supremacy as a government, and a way of life. David PersonSeptember 15, 2023