By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter According to a Facebook post by Veronica Kennedy, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Joey Kennedy has been fired from...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter Yesterday on AM Radio, Rep. Ed Henry (R-Decatur) recounted how Gov. Robert Bentley threatened him and other Republican...
INSIDE THE STATEHOUSE By Steve Flowers The legislature and the governor are preparing for the first Regular Session of the quadrennium. The Session will...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter Over the last several months, nationwide scandal has forced several politicos to resign from office. The list stretches...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Court records reveal that former Deputy Attorney General Henry T. “Sonny” Reagan engaged the representation of attorney Bill...
INSIDE THE STATEHOUSE By Steve Flowers As the legislature and governor prepare for the upcoming initial legislative session of the quadrennium, they are facing...