Featured Opinion Opinion | Self-reliance fades as conformity and cowardice take hold, resist The courage to stand alone, to challenge the mob, to think for oneself — these are no longer virtues but liabilities. Bill Britt17 hours ago
Featured Opinion Is Congress the Modern Roman Senate? INSIDE THE STATEHOUSE by Steve Flowers In the literary classic, “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” the author draws parallels to a... Steve FlowersMarch 23, 2016
Featured Opinion Who is the Enemy Now? By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter “We have met the enemy and he is us,” is a famous quote from the comic strip, Pogo,... Bill BrittMarch 21, 2016
Featured Opinion Breathless Over Prisons By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter With hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, Governor Robert Bentley, and a cast of other lawmakers... Bill BrittMarch 17, 2016
Featured Opinion Trump is crazy, so we’ll elect Clinton By Joey Kennedy Alabama Political Reporter Frankly, I was in Bernie’s corner. I knew he was a long shot. And he was. Hillary Clinton... Joey KennedyMarch 16, 2016
Featured Opinion Where Are They Now INSIDE THE STATEHOUSE by Steve Flowers A good friend and loyal reader suggested to me that he would like to see a column entitled,... Steve FlowersMarch 16, 2016
Featured Opinion End the Political Gamesmanship of Medicaid By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter For the poor child, the disabled, and the aged, Medicaid is not health insurance…it’s life insurance. It literally... Bill BrittMarch 14, 2016
Featured Opinion Be strong, Judge Walker, for Alabama By Joey Kennedy Alabama Political Reporter Perhaps this is it. Perhaps Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard won’t be able to delay his corruption... Joey KennedyMarch 9, 2016
Featured Opinion Albert Brewer: A Prince of a Fellow INSIDE THE STATEHOUSE By Steve Flowers One of the finest men to ever serve in Alabama government is Albert Brewer. He is one of... Steve FlowersMarch 9, 2016
Featured Opinion Judge Jacob Walker, III: The Last Man Standing By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter There is one man standing who has the power to declare every hint of political corruption in our... Bill BrittMarch 7, 2016
Featured Opinion Trump is a bigot. If you support him, own it. By Joey Kennedy Alabama Political Reporter I’m getting some crap on Facebook because I made the following post: “Anybody who puts a Trump sign... Joey KennedyMarch 2, 2016