Prisons Alabama Department of Corrections proposes $50 million budget increase A large portion of the ADOC's requested budget would go toward staffing needs and increases to wages, salaries, and benefits. Alex Jobin19 hours ago
Party politics ALGOP breaks its record with Ron DeSantis dinner Over 1,700 people gathered for the event at the Finley Center on Thursday. StaffMarch 14, 2023
Education Alabama colleges awarded nearly 28,000 bachelor’s degrees over the last decade Over a similar period, median earnings for Alabamians 25-64 rose six percent. StaffMarch 13, 2023
Prisons 51-year-old incarcerated man dies at Bibb Correctional Facility Two other incarcerated men were reported dead on the same day. John H. GlennMarch 13, 2023
State Alabama Legislature honors U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby Sen. Richard Shelby, the longest-serving U.S. senator from Alabama, retired in January. John H. GlennMarch 10, 2023
Prisons Families, friends of incarcerated individuals gather at Alabama State Capitol The demonstration and vigil on Tuesday were to remember those who have died in state custody in recent years. John H. GlennMarch 8, 2023
Prisons ADOC confirms two additional prison deaths in February, March The total number of deaths in Alabama's prison system has now reached 13 in February and five so far in March. John H. GlennMarch 8, 2023
Prisons Department of Corrections announces salary increases, new pay grades Correctional staffing levels within the department have seen dramatic decreases over the last few years. John H. GlennMarch 8, 2023
State Rep. Sewell to host live Telephone Town Hall on disaster assistance Thursday’s town hall is the latest in an ongoing effort to recover and rebuild after the January tornadoes. StaffMarch 8, 2023
Prisons 12 incarcerated men died in state custody in February and four so far in March At least three incarcerated men died in Alabama state prisons in the final days of February. So far in March, four have died. John H. GlennMarch 7, 2023
State Two top government affairs firms merge to form dynamic lobbying shop The Jones Group and Miller Development Group have announced the merger of the two firms to form Jones Miller Group. StaffMarch 7, 2023