Despite nearly two dozen criminal investigations in progress, three empaneled grand juries and a major power grab underway at the State Ethics Commission, Attorney...
The Southern Poverty Law Center is challenging the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s practice of suspending driver’s licenses for unpaid traffic tickets belonging to low-income...
Monday, the EPA Administrator for Region 4, Onis “Trey” Glenn III has resigned just days after a Jefferson County grand jury returned indictments against...
Airbnb reports that homeowners in Lee County and Tuscaloosa County earned over $1 million in combined supplemental income through home sharing on Airbnb during...
Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries John McMillan (R) recently wrote an editorial supporting passage of legislation to restore legislation involving governments and money...
More than $100,000 in campaign finance fines and fees have been collected during the 2018 campaign season in Alabama. The Alabama Secretary of State’s Office...