National Historic Montgomery Bus Station, Freedom Riders Museum part of DOGE-ordered sell-off The building housing the historic Freedom Riders Museum appears to be part of a DOGE-ordered sell-off of federal properties. Josh Moon13 hours ago
News Alabama Constable Association: Amendment 2 could defund constables statewide Amendment 2, if approved, would delete language protecting how constables are funded statewide. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 27, 2020
Elections FarmPAC endorses congressional candidate Barry Moore “I’m pleased that FarmPAC has seen fit to endorse me in this election,” Moore said. Brandon MoseleyOctober 27, 2020
National Jones votes against Amy Coney Barrett confirmation Since Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death in September, Jones said he would not vote for a nominee, no matter who it was, until after... Brandon MoseleyOctober 27, 2020
Health CDC confirmed expanded “close contact” definition to Alabama officials in August It is unclear why the CDC waited until late October to update or clarify its public-facing guidance on its website. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 26, 2020
Health Study: COVID-19 infection rates more than double without lockdowns Infection and fatality rates would have been higher without stay-at-home orders, a new UAB study found. Micah DanneyOctober 26, 2020
Elections Jones to attend Auburn student forum, Tuberville hasn’t yet responded to invitation Jones has agreed to attend the forum, but it was unclear whether Tuberville planned to attend. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 26, 2020
Health 122,000 Alabamians could lose health coverage if ACA is overturned, study finds President Donald Trump’s administration and 18 states, including Alabama, are asking the country’s highest court to strike down the law. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 26, 2020
National Vote on Amy Coney Barrett confirmation could come as early as today The final Senate vote on her confirmation is expected to come Monday evening. Brandon MoseleyOctober 26, 2020
National Bill Pryor, Kevin Newsome are on Trump’s short list for the next Supreme Court seat Two of the president's possible future Supreme Court picks have strong Alabama ties. Brandon MoseleyOctober 26, 2020
Health Alabama’s hospitalized COVID-19 patients Sunday at highest number since Sept. 2. It’s a trend that has public health officials and hospital staff concerned that the state may be headed for another surge. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 25, 2020