State SPLC honors 60th anniversary of Bloody Sunday by urging others to continue the march Leaders said the chaos and confusion of today's political climate is a threat to the civil rights that Bloody Sunday leaders worked so hard... Jacob Holmes9 hours ago
News No protestors at Alabama’s fortified Capitol on Sunday State Troopers and Montgomery police patrolled the Capitol by foot and from above, but no protestors showed. Eddie BurkhalterJanuary 18, 2021
Legislature State reallocates $72 million in CARES funds meant for counties, cities The decision reduced the CARES funds budget for cities and counties to a combined $178 million. John H. GlennJanuary 18, 2021
News Fraudsters steal more than $31,000 from Regions Bank’s PAC Regions Bank was robbed — sort of. Someone stole $31,000 from the bank’s political action committee. Josh MoonJanuary 18, 2021
Congress SPLC calls on Mo Brooks’s donors to cease their support The president of the SPLC Action Fund said that "without funding, politicians like Mo Brooks are virtually powerless.” Micah DanneyJanuary 18, 2021
Economy Small business optimism declined sharply last month: survey Expectations for the next six months are increasingly dim, according to the latest report by the National Federation of Independent Business. Micah DanneyJanuary 18, 2021
Health The federal government promised additional vaccine doses. They’re not coming An Alabama Department of Public Health spokesman said the federal government's inconsistent flow of vaccines makes planning difficult. Eddie BurkhalterJanuary 16, 2021
News Secretary of state’s office receives first clear financial audit in 14 years This year’s report, which spans from 2015-2019, found a perfectly clear audit. StaffJanuary 16, 2021
Courts Judge finds Alabama drivers license policy for trans people unconstitutional Judge Myron Thompson found that the state's law did not meet the requirements of the Equal Protection Clause. Eddie BurkhalterJanuary 15, 2021
Public safety Alabama officials watching for possible armed protests The Montgomery Police Department will have officers at the Capitol on Sunday, girding for potentially violent demonstrations. Eddie BurkhalterJanuary 15, 2021
Economy New unemployment claims increased again last week It is the highest number of new claims recorded in a single week since July. Micah DanneyJanuary 15, 2021