Health Alabama House committee approves presumptive Medicaid care HB89 provides prenatal care to low-income pregnant people, improving maternal health with an estimated $1 million annual cost. Mary Claire WootenFebruary 13, 2025
Health Death of 94-year-old man in Alabama prison highlights struggle to control COVID-19 AODC has struggled to control the virus, which has infected at least 1,033 incarcerated people and at least 729 workers. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 10, 2020
Health Amid worsening COVID crisis, governor extends mask mandate with no new restrictions Ivey said there would be no new restrictions "because we've learned to live with the virus and incorporate precautions into our daily lives.” Eddie BurkhalterDecember 9, 2020
Health Alabama’s nurses “exhausted” as COVID hospitalizations reach new record high “I think the greatest thing that the community can do is wear your mask,” Poe said. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 8, 2020
Health Alabama state health officer: COVID numbers are “mind-boggling” “Unfortunately, we have very difficult times ahead,” said Alabama State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 4, 2020
Education Report: Alabama ranks 47th in the nation in child well-being The state’s poor ranking is also a drop from Alabama’s ranking last year of 44th in the nation. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 4, 2020
Health Alabama breaks daily COVID-19 case, hospitalization record again Thursday Coronavirus hospitalizations reached another record high for the fourth time in so many days. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 3, 2020
Health Finance director: Alabama expects to spend nearly all of $1.8 billion in CARES Act funds “I think we'll be down to less than $10 million, and hopefully less than that,” the state finance director said. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 3, 2020
Health Alabama breaks daily case record, hospitalizations reach new high for third straight day Rising cases and hospitalizations suggest the death toll will keep climbing in the weeks and months to come. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 2, 2020
Health Alabama sees record number of COVID-19 hospitalizations Monday “What we can still control is Christmas,” Dr. Don Williamson said. “We can still control what hospital beds are going to look like in... Eddie BurkhalterNovember 30, 2020
Health Mental Health Commissioner Lynn Beshear to retire Dec. 16 Under Beshear’s leadership, the Alabama Department of Mental Health launched Stepping Up Alabama, aimed at reducing the number of people in jails who have... Eddie BurkhalterNovember 30, 2020