Health Alabama House committee approves presumptive Medicaid care HB89 provides prenatal care to low-income pregnant people, improving maternal health with an estimated $1 million annual cost. Mary Claire WootenFebruary 13, 2025
Health First time over 3,000: Alabama breaks COVID hospitalization record Monday December is headed to becoming Alabama's deadliest month during the pandemic, as hospitalizations surge following holiday gatherings. Eddie BurkhalterJanuary 4, 2021
Health A chaplain explains a faith-based approach to getting through the pandemic Malcolm Marler and his team of chaplains have been able to resume in-person visits with COVID-19-patients. Micah DanneyJanuary 1, 2021
Health How you’ll learn it’s your turn to get a COVID-19 vaccination Officials plan a marketing campaign and will use pharmacies, doctors and clinics to inform others when vaccines are available. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 31, 2020
Health Doug Jones quarantining after wife, Louise, tests positive for COVID Jones said his wife is “not feeling too good but is ok” and that he has tested negative for coronavirus. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 30, 2020
Health APR’s Eddie Burkhalter: A look back on my 2020 coverage From Alabama's prison crisis to the COVID-19 pandemic, Eddie Burkhalter covered it. Here are his top stories of the year. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 30, 2020
Health For young adults, the pandemic’s effects on mental health can be life-threatening People 18 to 24 were already at higher risk of suicide before the pandemic. It’s made things worse, experts say. Micah DanneyDecember 30, 2020
Health Just 15% of Alabama’s vaccine supply administered, but pace expected to quicken There had been 20,354 vaccines administered as of Monday, out of the state’s supply of 128,175 combined doses. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 29, 2020
Health “A spike on top of a surge on top of a spike”: Experts warn of worsening COVID crisis Alabama's weekly average of cases has grown by 56 percent since Dec. 1, and the state ranks third highest in COVID-19 hospitalizations per capita. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 29, 2020
Health Alabama COVID hospitalizations up 57 percent since Dec. 1 The state had a record 2,802 hospitalized coronavirus patients on Monday. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 29, 2020
Education Alabama school internet vouchers extended into 2021 The Alabama Broadband Connectivity for Students program will continue into 2021, made possible by a provision in the latest COVID-19 relief package. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 29, 2020