Health Alabama House committee approves presumptive Medicaid care HB89 provides prenatal care to low-income pregnant people, improving maternal health with an estimated $1 million annual cost. Mary Claire WootenFebruary 13, 2025
Health Alabama has lowest percentage of COVID-vaccinated residents in U.S. Alabama's new cases over the last two weeks have increased 80 percent. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 9, 2021
Health U.S. regulators say a COVID-19 booster shot isn’t needed for the fully vaccinated Alabama has the smallest percentage of fully vaccinated residents in the nation, according to the CDC. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 9, 2021
Health Barry Moore: It’s not “the government’s job to knock on doors” to promote the vaccine White House officials on July 1 announced that federal COVID-19 surge response teams were being readied to send into areas with low vaccination rates. Brandon MoseleyJuly 9, 2021
Health Despite second lowest vaccination rate in U.S., Ivey won’t seek federal help UAB's Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo said Alabama's COVID-19 hospitalizations are increasing "exactly as we saw before." Eddie BurkhalterJuly 8, 2021
Health Alabama’s COVID-19 hospitalizations increasing as vaccinations remain low Alabama has the second-lowest percentage of COVID-19 vaccinations in the nation. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 6, 2021
Health Acknowledging effects of child poverty and single motherhood is a start Half of all births in Alabama are paid for by Medicaid, which means these infants are born into poverty. Bill BrittJuly 5, 2021
Health Nearly all COVID-19 hospitalizations in Alabama are among unvaccinated The Alabama Department of Public Health is working to learn how many new cases, deaths are of the unvaccinated. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 2, 2021
Health UAB doctor warns of delta variant and upcoming holiday weekend It takes between 10 and 15 seconds of exposure to catch the delta variant of COVID-19, Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo said. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 1, 2021
Health Q&A with White House vaccine coordinator on Alabama’s vaccination rates, delta variant Dr. Bechara Choucair said nearly all hospitalizations and deaths are now among the unvaccinated. Eddie BurkhalterJune 28, 2021
Health UAB doctor warns of COVID-19 delta variant Goepfert spoke bluntly about the need for more Alabamians to get vaccinated to protect themselves and others. Eddie BurkhalterJune 24, 2021