Health Alabama House committee approves presumptive Medicaid care HB89 provides prenatal care to low-income pregnant people, improving maternal health with an estimated $1 million annual cost. Mary Claire WootenFebruary 13, 2025
Health Mobile mall owner forces vaccination, testing site to close Mall management said another business at the mall complained about the clinic, according to the Mobile County Health Department. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 16, 2021
Health Colbert County school closes for 10 days due to COVID-19 The school's closure comes the same day Gov. Kay Ivey issued a state of emergency due to COVID-19, but with no mask mandate or... Eddie BurkhalterAugust 13, 2021
Health Gov. Kay Ivey issues COVID state of emergency, but no mandates or closures Alabama hospital ICUs were at 95 percent capacity on Thursday, with a surge in COVID-19 patients that is alarming state health providers. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 13, 2021
Health Alabama could surpass all-time COVID hospitalization high by Sunday Talks are underway to decide whether federal medical teams are needed to assist in state hospitals. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 12, 2021
Health Alabama ICUs at 95 percent capacity, hospitalizations double in two weeks In the city of Dothan and in Baldwin County, there were more patients in ICUs than those hospitals had formal ICU beds for. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 12, 2021
Health Alabama mayors asked to help boost vaccinations 20 percent by Labor Day Alabama remains the least vaccinated state in the nation as cases and hospitalizations continue to surge. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 11, 2021
Health UAB pediatric doctor pleads for masks in schools, vaccinations for 12 and up Kimberlin said the delta variant is “rapidly spreading among children” and school systems need to heed the recommendations. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 10, 2021
Health Huntsville Hospital stops some elective surgeries due to rising COVID cases Hospital system president Tracy Doughty said COVID patients in Madison County have increased nearly sevenfold in the past month. Josh MoonAugust 10, 2021
Health Alabama hospitals calling off elective procedures as COVID fills beds Just 6 percent of Alabama's ICU beds were available on Monday, with COVID-19 hospitalizations increasing 122 percent over the last two weeks. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 9, 2021
Health Dr. Scott Harris: New COVID-19 case graph is “almost vertical” Vaccinations are increasing in Alabama, but 65,511 doses were tossed after expiring, State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris said. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 6, 2021