Health Alabama House committee approves presumptive Medicaid care HB89 provides prenatal care to low-income pregnant people, improving maternal health with an estimated $1 million annual cost. Mary Claire WootenFebruary 13, 2025
Health Marshall issues cease and desist to healthcare providers enforcing vaccine mandates Marshall ordered healthcare providers to stop using the state vaccine registry to verify employees' vaccination status. Brandon MoseleySeptember 9, 2021
Health Moment of silence across Alabama and a call for vaccinations as COVID-19 rages The number of new infections during the last seven days of August was 231 percent higher than the same time last year. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 7, 2021
Health Majority of Alabamians hospitalized with COVID-19 on ventilators are unvaccinated There were 92 more patients needing ICU bed care than the state’s hospitals had formal ICU beds on Sunday. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 6, 2021
Health Gov. Kay Ivey announces federal funds to hire traveling nurses for hospitals Alabama on Thursday had 120 fewer ICU beds than patients who needed ICU care. COVID-19 continues to surge statewide. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 3, 2021
Health Over 9,000 COVID-19 cases among students, staff in Alabama schools this week The state school superintendent said some school staff have had to have police protection due to threats over COVID-19 mitigation strategies in schools. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 3, 2021
Health ADPH to offer COVID vaccines, testing at college football games The KICK COVID campaign will enlist student athletes to promote vaccinations. Micah DanneySeptember 3, 2021
Health Lawmaker pre-files bill to let parents opt out from school mask mandates The bill was filed on a day when Alabama had 92 fewer ICU beds statewide than patients needing that care. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 2, 2021
Health Experts on women’s health try to dispel misinformation about vaccines and pregnancy Armed with recent data, doctors want women to view the vaccines as routine care during pregnancy. Micah DanneySeptember 2, 2021
Health Statewide moment of silence for those lost to COVID-19 set for Tuesday There have been 12,291 COVID-19 deaths and more than 704,000 cases in Alabama. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 1, 2021
Health Calhoun County Schools going virtual due to COVID cases among adults, children "The inability to find substitutes for our adults has led us to this decision," said superintendent Donald Turner in a message to parents. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 30, 2021