Environment Steve Marshall celebrates withdrawal of emissions regulation attempt Advanced Clean Fleets would have required California truck buyers to increasingly purchase zero-emission trucks. Wesley WalterJanuary 16, 2025
Environment Alabama environmentalist lands on Time’s “Influential People” list Flowers has been the driving force behind an effort to address devastating wastewater issues in several communities. Josh MoonApril 14, 2023
Environment Public invited to submit comments to Moody fire working group The group will review the response to the fire, and identify shortcomings or gaps in authority and resources. StaffMarch 31, 2023
Environment Opinion | A silver lining in a very toxic cloud If we have to allow landfills and disposal sites in Alabama, let’s make sure they are regulated. David PersonMarch 23, 2023
Environment Groups file Civil Rights complaint against Alabama, ADEM over Black Belt sewer issues Two watchdog groups filed the Title VI complaint, alleging the state has not adequately addressed the ongoing sanitation problems. Josh MoonMarch 7, 2023
Environment Working group formed to examine response to Moody fire The fire revealed shortcomings in the ability and authority of state and local governments to respond to similar situations. Jacob HolmesMarch 6, 2023
Environment ADEM to clean up former used oil recovery business site in Trussville ADEM will seek reimbursement of the cost from the property owner. StaffMarch 3, 2023
Environment ADEM director issues statement on Moody fire to Environmental Management Commission Director Lance LeFleur said the situation exposed shortcoming in the ability to respond to unregulated activities. Jacob HolmesFebruary 13, 2023
Environment 3M to stop making PFAS chemicals that contaminate North Alabama water supply New EPA regulations, not supported by Alabama's GOP congressmen, are one of the factors that have affected the decision. Jacob HolmesFebruary 6, 2023
Environment ADEM: Moody fire not “discernibly” impacting water quality The EPA detected hazardous levels of chemicals in the air, but ADEM says there's no similar hazard to water quality. Jacob HolmesFebruary 6, 2023
Environment ADEM takes enforcement action against former used oil transporter Alabama Oil & Gas Recovery has ceased operations at a facility on Blackjack Road in Trussville. StaffFebruary 2, 2023