Education ACCS and AAMA to offer scholarships for automotive manufacturing Applications for the $4,000 individual scholarships are now open to students. Staff2 days ago
Education Tuberville praises HBCUs in Senate floor speech “I am proud that the great state of Alabama is home to 13 HBCUs, the most of any state in the nation,” Tuberville said. Brandon MoseleySeptember 15, 2021
Education Search for a new Alabama A&M president divides officials and alumni Some A&M alums say the search process for a new president is rigged to give one candidate an advantage. And he's facing troubling allegations. Josh MoonSeptember 10, 2021
Education First master’s degree registered apprenticeship with an HBCU established in America Social workers are critically important to the nagging social ills that undermine so many lives and communities. StaffSeptember 10, 2021
Education ASU partners with Apple, Tennessee State University to become community center Alabama State University will offer new learning opportunities for degree-seeking students and community learners. StaffSeptember 1, 2021
Education Mass confusion: Reopening Alabama’s schools amid the delta surge The lack of a singular, statewide order has left each Alabama school district implementing its own standards while trying to follow state guidelines. Josh MoonAugust 24, 2021
Education Ivey applauds Sylacauga schools for plan to rehabilitate Avondale Mills site A $1.7 grant will be used to clean up the Avondale Mills site and replace it with a new technical skills training center. Brandon MoseleyAugust 23, 2021
Education Masking policy hotly debated before Mountain Brook Board of Education Parents and doctors debated mandatory masking of school children before the Mountain Brooks Board of Education. Brandon MoseleyAugust 19, 2021
Education 22 Alabama schools on SPLC’s list of U.S. schools honoring Confederate leaders The civil rights organization renewed its call for schools to rename after the fourth anniversary of Charlottesville. Micah DanneyAugust 16, 2021
Education Alabama state school board passes resolution banning Critical Race Theory Ivey claimed that CRT currently isn’t being taught in Alabama classrooms, but voted in favor of a State Board of Education ban it. Brandon MoseleyAugust 16, 2021
Education Community colleges to offer STEM dual enrollment scholarships Dual enrollment gives Alabama’s high school students access to college-level classes. StaffAugust 11, 2021