Education ASU among first HBCUs in the nation to offer cannabis certifications ASU offers five different online cannabis courses. Staff17 hours ago
Education Skills for Success courses approved for high school career readiness indicators High school students can sign up for Skills for Success courses across multiple career paths. StaffSeptember 28, 2023
Education Catalyze Birmingham launches grant program to support workforce development initiatives The innovation challenge will rethink the connections between K-12 education, higher education and careers. StaffSeptember 27, 2023
Education Troy University reaches milestone with ACHE instructional role change The change will allow the university to offer additional doctoral degrees, a move that paves the way for its continued maturation. StaffSeptember 18, 2023
Education Leader of DOJ Civil Rights Division delivers remarks at Miles College convocation Kristen Clarke urged the students to use their talents and develop them at Miles College to make change. Jacob HolmesSeptember 15, 2023
Education Nursing apprenticeships through community colleges see exponential increase More than 8,450 students were enrolled in registered nursing and licensed practical nursing programs at Alabama’s community colleges. StaffSeptember 13, 2023
Education Governor provides update on the statewide expansion of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Sixty counties are now providing access to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. StaffSeptember 7, 2023
Education New computing center expands innovation opportunities at UA The HPC center is planned for completion in August 2024. StaffSeptember 6, 2023
Education Applications open for K-12 grant program The lieutenant governor is statutorily responsible for creating, administering and overseeing the application process. StaffSeptember 6, 2023
Education State Treasurer’s office launches loan program to help distressed colleges The bill came about in large part due to financial troubles at Birmingham Southern College. Jacob HolmesAugust 25, 2023
Education Inside the 44 books challenged at the Prattville Public Library What exactly are the books that have been challenged by the Prattville group, which has now expanded its efforts statewide? Jacob HolmesAugust 24, 2023