State SPLC honors 60th anniversary of Bloody Sunday by urging others to continue the march Leaders said the chaos and confusion of today's political climate is a threat to the civil rights that Bloody Sunday leaders worked so hard... Jacob Holmes14 hours ago
National Governor declares state of emergency ahead of Tropical Storm Zeta Zeta is currently a tropical storm over the Gulf of Mexico, but it is predicted to make landfall as a category one hurricane. Brandon MoseleyOctober 27, 2020
Health Alabama’s COVID-19 hospitalizations surpass 1,000 for first time since August The 1,001 patients in hospitals with COVID-19 on Tuesday is a 34 percent increase from a month ago. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 27, 2020
News Agriculture Department providing shelters for livestock evacuating due to Zeta The Alabama A&M Agribition Center will open effective immediately for livestock that is being evacuated. Brandon MoseleyOctober 27, 2020
Corruption Prosecution accepts misdemeanor plea in high-profile environmental administrator’s case The plea deal came shortly before Jefferson County Circuit Court Judge Stephen C. Wallace was to hear arguments on selective and vindictive prosecution. Bill BrittOctober 27, 2020
News Alabama Constable Association: Amendment 2 could defund constables statewide Amendment 2, if approved, would delete language protecting how constables are funded statewide. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 27, 2020
News Tropical Storm Zeta keeps tracking toward the Gulf Coast Its present forecast track takes it into the northern Gulf of Mexico to impact the Louisiana gulf coast as a category one hurricane. Brandon MoseleyOctober 27, 2020
Elections FarmPAC endorses congressional candidate Barry Moore “I’m pleased that FarmPAC has seen fit to endorse me in this election,” Moore said. Brandon MoseleyOctober 27, 2020
News Amy Coney Barrett confirmed to the Supreme Court The Senate confirmed Barrett by a vote of 52 to 48. Brandon MoseleyOctober 27, 2020
National Jones votes against Amy Coney Barrett confirmation Since Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death in September, Jones said he would not vote for a nominee, no matter who it was, until after... Brandon MoseleyOctober 27, 2020
Health CDC confirmed expanded “close contact” definition to Alabama officials in August It is unclear why the CDC waited until late October to update or clarify its public-facing guidance on its website. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 26, 2020