Congress Sewell, Figures ask that historic Montgomery Bus Station, Freedom Rides Museum not be sold In a joint letter to the GSA administrator, Figures and Sewell talked about the historical significance of the site and asked that it not... Josh Moon3 days ago
News Governor announces HomTex expansion to create 300-plus jobs in the Black Belt A family-owned and certified minority-owned business will create 300 to 325 new jobs. StaffNovember 24, 2020
News Walker County Public Fishing Lake being stocked with Rainbow Trout The lake will reopen for trout season on Friday, Nov. 27. The daily creel limit is four trout per angler. Brandon MoseleyNovember 24, 2020
News Prichard Fire and Rescue accepting donations for Angel Tree toy drive Persons who would like to drop off new unwrapped toys may make donations until Dec. 18. Brandon MoseleyNovember 24, 2020
Health “We’re not going to get a do-over:” Alabama health officer on Thanksgiving and COVID-19 There were 1,427 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Alabama on Monday, the most since Aug. 11. Eddie BurkhalterNovember 23, 2020
Health Governor allocates $3.6 million in CARES Act funds to food banks The money is to go to the nonprofit Alabama Food Bank Association, which will administer the funds. Eddie BurkhalterNovember 23, 2020
Education Alabama Education Association, Board of Medical Examiners meet over excuses to break COVID-19 quarantines Prior to the meeting, the AEA on Nov. 5 threatened legal action against the board over the matter. Eddie BurkhalterNovember 23, 2020
Legislature Caravan to honor the life of longtime State Rep. Alvin Holmes The caravan is being organized by community activists Ja’Mel Brown and William Boyd. Brandon MoseleyNovember 23, 2020
News SOS Merrill back in hot water over social media interactions This is not the first time that Merrill has come under fire for the way he handles his social media accounts. Josh MoonNovember 23, 2020
Congress Sewell votes in favor of National Apprenticeship Act The bill would invest more than $3.5 billion to create nearly one million new apprenticeship opportunities. Brandon MoseleyNovember 23, 2020
News Calhoun County deputy says shooting Anniston woman was self defense The woman, Brittany Nicole Yoder, died at the scene. Brandon MoseleyNovember 23, 2020