Aerospace and Defense Trump appoints Tuberville to Air Force Academy Board of Visitors This appointment marks the next step in Tuberville's storied, if controversial, relationship with veterans and the armed forces. Alex Jobin11 hours ago
Elections Maplesville Police Chief Robbie Autery running for Chilton County sheriff In 2021, Autery was appointed chief of police for the town of Maplesville Brandon MoseleyMay 24, 2021
State Drive Electric Earth Day EVent showcases benefits of electric vehicles Visitors spent Saturday talking to EV owners, the best source of information for cost, range, charging time and other factors. StaffMay 24, 2021
News Gubernatorial candidate Dean Odle addresses St. Clair County Republicans Odle spoke to the St. Clair Republican Party about why he believes he would be a more effective governor. Brandon MoseleyMay 24, 2021
Infrastructure Port of Mobile deepening, widening to be completed by 2025 By the year 2025, there will be a deeper and wider Mobile Ship Channel and an improved lower harbor turning basin. StaffMay 21, 2021
Governor Marijuana advocates celebrate after Ivey signs medical marijuana legislation Marijuana advocates thanked Gov. Kay Ivey for signing the medical marijuana bill and sponsors for their work carrying the legislation. Brandon MoseleyMay 21, 2021
Economy New unemployment claims decreased last week Of the new claims, 71 percent were estimated to be due to the pandemic. Micah DanneyMay 21, 2021
Elections House District 78 Democratic primary is on Tuesday The House District 78 special Democratic primary election will be Tuesday. Brandon MoseleyMay 21, 2021
Elections Troy City Council President Marcus Paramore announces run for House District 89 Marcus Paramore is running for the open House District 89 seat as a Republican. Brandon MoseleyMay 21, 2021
Governor Governor signs bill to end Alabama’s school yoga ban Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey has signed legislation ending the ban on yoga in Alabama public schools. Brandon MoseleyMay 21, 2021
Prisons Department of Justice: Alabama prisons still deadly, years after warnings Despite warnings in 2019, the state has failed to address violence, contraband and homicides, according to the Department of Justice. Eddie BurkhalterMay 20, 2021