Aerospace and Defense Trump appoints Tuberville to Air Force Academy Board of Visitors This appointment marks the next step in Tuberville's storied, if controversial, relationship with veterans and the armed forces. Alex Jobin11 hours ago
Governor Governor signs legislation to codify ban on curbside voting Curbside voting was already banned administratively. This codifies that into Alabama law. Brandon MoseleyMay 27, 2021
Public safety ALEA launches new missing persons emergency alert system Participants can choose their preferred methods of communication. Micah DanneyMay 27, 2021
Governor Governor signs Seizure Safe Schools Act The legislation would allow a voluntary medication assistant to administer seizure medication to a child if a nurse isn't available. Brandon MoseleyMay 27, 2021
Congress Shelby highlights importance of a robust intelligence apparatus Shelby pointed to recent cyberattacks and hacks on the Colonial Pipeline and SolarWinds hacks as examples. Brandon MoseleyMay 27, 2021
Infrastructure Trucking Association files comments on proposed I-10 truck-only toll bridge The proposal rests on a truck-only toll bridge, with an estimated cost of $675 million, to initiate Phase I of the project. StaffMay 27, 2021
State Dr. Chad Mathis joins API as a distinguished fellow CEO Caleb Crosby has announced the addition of Dr. Chad Mathis, a board-certified orthopedic surgeon, to the API staff. Brandon MoseleyMay 27, 2021
Prisons Formerly incarcerated man paralyzed after denied care for months: lawsuit Patrick Neal, 29, is being treated at UAB, where doctors tell his family he'll be paralyzed for life. Eddie BurkhalterMay 26, 2021
Health Study links low Medicaid eligibility limits with lowered cancer survival Advocates with the American Cancer Society are urging state leaders to use federal relief funds to expand eligibility. Micah DanneyMay 26, 2021
Elections Rick Pate is running for re-election Agriculture and Industries Commissioner Rick Pate announced that he is seeking re-election in 2022. Brandon MoseleyMay 26, 2021
Elections Greg Cook is running for Alabama Supreme Court Alabama Republican Party counsel Greg Cook is running for Alabama Supreme Court justice. Brandon MoseleyMay 26, 2021