Aerospace and Defense Trump appoints Tuberville to Air Force Academy Board of Visitors This appointment marks the next step in Tuberville's storied, if controversial, relationship with veterans and the armed forces. Alex Jobin11 hours ago
Congress Moore urges Biden to adopt Trump-era policies to address border Congressman Moore and Trump administration Chief of Staff Meadows wrote an opinion piece for Fox News. Brandon MoseleyJune 2, 2021
Health Medical experts: Vaccines safe for children, critical to controlling virus’ spread COVID-19 is the 10th leading cause of death among minors in the U.S. Micah DanneyJune 2, 2021
Health EEOC says employers can require vaccines The new guidance won't conflict with Alabama law, which carved out an exception for employers. Josh MoonJune 2, 2021
Elections Deadline to file for absentee ballot extended to seven days before elections It has changed from five days before an election to seven days before the election. Brandon MoseleyJune 2, 2021
State Gas and petroleum industry is preparing for hurricane season The NOAA is predicting a 60 percent chance of an above-normal number of named storms. Brandon MoseleyJune 2, 2021
Elections Katie Boyd Britt resigns from BCA: A precursor to Senate bid? “One of my greatest prides at BCA has been bringing the previously forgotten back into the fold our small businesses on Main Street, and... StaffJune 1, 2021
Governor Ivey awards grants to more counties for COVID recovery Barbour, Bullock, Butler, Conecuh and Geneva counties all received awards as part of more than $40 million allocated to Alabama. Brandon MoseleyJune 1, 2021
Congress Tuberville expresses concerns about Jan. 6 Commission Tuberville said the potential for unequal staffing was his biggest concern. Brandon MoseleyJune 1, 2021
Elections Ainsworth to hold re-election announcement event Friday Riley Green, Gov. Kay Ivey and Senate Majority Leader Clay Scofield will be special guests. Brandon MoseleyJune 1, 2021
Health How is the COVID vaccine safe if they made it so fast? A UAB doctor explains Four key things, some of which were in motion for decades, came together at the right time. Micah DanneyMay 31, 2021