Education State Superintendent Mackey reassures Board of Education amid federal cuts Dr. Mackey said that currently, he does not believe federal cuts will not impact core programs but communication and structure may change. Mary Claire Wooten3 days ago
News Ten Alabama Counties with the largest population gains The two counties with the most growth in the state are Baldwin and Madison Counties. Brandon MoseleyAugust 14, 2021
Health Colbert County school closes for 10 days due to COVID-19 The school's closure comes the same day Gov. Kay Ivey issued a state of emergency due to COVID-19, but with no mask mandate or... Eddie BurkhalterAugust 13, 2021
Health Gov. Kay Ivey issues COVID state of emergency, but no mandates or closures Alabama hospital ICUs were at 95 percent capacity on Thursday, with a surge in COVID-19 patients that is alarming state health providers. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 13, 2021
Economy Alabama’s corporate subsidies cost $4 billion over three decades, report says Officials exchange tax breaks for long-term benefits, but the state does so without letting taxpayers know as much as other states do. Micah DanneyAugust 13, 2021
State 2020 Census data is released The release of the Census data will allow the state Legislature to begin working on redistricting and reapportionment. Brandon MoseleyAugust 13, 2021
State Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission meets for the first time A Dothan area oncologist was elected as the chairman of the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission. Brandon MoseleyAugust 13, 2021
Congress Carl cosponsors bipartisan bills to Increase access to affordable health care for seniors Carl said that both pieces of legislation would increase access to affordable health care for seniors across the nation. Brandon MoseleyAugust 13, 2021
Elections James Lomax announces run for Alabama House District 20 Lomax is running for the seat currently held by Howard Sanderford, who is not seeking re-election. Brandon MoseleyAugust 13, 2021
Health Alabama could surpass all-time COVID hospitalization high by Sunday Talks are underway to decide whether federal medical teams are needed to assist in state hospitals. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 12, 2021
Health Alabama ICUs at 95 percent capacity, hospitalizations double in two weeks In the city of Dothan and in Baldwin County, there were more patients in ICUs than those hospitals had formal ICU beds for. Eddie BurkhalterAugust 12, 2021