Education State Superintendent Mackey reassures Board of Education amid federal cuts Dr. Mackey said that currently, he does not believe federal cuts will not impact core programs but communication and structure may change. Mary Claire Wooten2 days ago
Public safety Families plead for changes to Alabama’s parole system Data shows a dramatic reduction in pardons and paroles, and a racial divide among who is denied. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 2, 2021
Health Lawmaker pre-files bill to let parents opt out from school mask mandates The bill was filed on a day when Alabama had 92 fewer ICU beds statewide than patients needing that care. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 2, 2021
Health Experts on women’s health try to dispel misinformation about vaccines and pregnancy Armed with recent data, doctors want women to view the vaccines as routine care during pregnancy. Micah DanneySeptember 2, 2021
Economy Online job ads in July up 95 percent from last year As of July 2021, the yearly comparison of online job ads is 88,730. Micah DanneySeptember 2, 2021
Congress House Armed Services Committee amendment adds $25 billion to defense budget The committee passed the NDAA with a Congressman Mike Rogers amendment that allows the topline of the budget to increase up to 3 percent... Brandon MoseleySeptember 2, 2021
Congress Sewell praises the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act Sewell praised passage of her bill, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act. Brandon MoseleySeptember 2, 2021
National Supreme Court allows Texas fetal heartbeat bill to take effect If the Supreme Court ultimately allows Texas to prevail in this case, the state of Alabama and many red states are sure to follow. Brandon MoseleySeptember 2, 2021
Economy AlabamaWorks! hosting virtual conference AlabamaWorks! is bringing together workforce partners across the state to discuss innovative ways to advance workforce in the post-pandemic era. StaffSeptember 2, 2021
State Governor appoints Joshua McLaughlin as Limestone County Sheriff McLaughlin currently serves as the chief investigator in the Limestone County District Attorney’s Office. StaffSeptember 2, 2021
State Alabama Advisory Committee on Child Support Guidelines and Enforcement to host web meeting on Oct. 1 The guidelines and schedule are used by courts in this state in determining the amounts of child support to be paid. StaffSeptember 2, 2021