Prisons Alabama prisoners dying at a rate four times the national average Fewer people died inside the prisons than in 2023, when prisoners were five times as likely to die as the national average. Jacob Holmes11 hours ago
Courts Alabama Center for Law and Liberty files amicus brief in Alabama abortion case The case is over an Alabama law that appoints a guardian ad litem for unborn children in certain abortion cases. Brandon MoseleyAugust 2, 2021
Elections Marjorie Taylor Greene has endorsed Mo Brooks Greene said that she met with Brooks when she found out that he was attempting to challenge the 2020 election results. Brandon MoseleyAugust 2, 2021
Congress Brooks introduces bill to help civilian Defense Department pilots qualify for licenses DOD civilian pilots cannot currently use FAA regulation to add an FAA certificate or rating. Brandon MoseleyAugust 2, 2021
News Opinion | My country ‘tis of thee: Liberty or bigotry Until voters decide enough is enough, little will change. Joey KennedyJuly 31, 2021
Health UAB doctor “really, really scared” over delta variant and children “We are standing in a tunnel right now and the train is accelerating at us as we speak," he said. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 30, 2021
Health Hospital CEO: Get the vaccine to keep you safe or get the virus to make you sick COVID hospitalizations in Huntsville Hospital Health System have more than tripled in less than a month. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 30, 2021
Health Internal CDC document states delta variant spreads quicker than Ebola, 1918 flu The CDC document states health officials must “acknowledge the war has changed.” Eddie BurkhalterJuly 30, 2021
Education The humanity of an accurate American history How a 1957 Civil Rights murder changed a group of Alabama college kids forever — and what it should tell us about the benefits... Josh MoonJuly 30, 2021
Health Alabama has fewest vaccinated residents, highest positivity rate in the U.S. As COVID-19 surges, Alabama's hospitals are asking for nursing help and readying temporary ICU beds. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 30, 2021
Elections Alabama Democrats have a plan for 2022 elections The Alabama Democratic Party is still in rebuilding mode, but party officials believe 2022 can help build for the future Josh MoonJuly 30, 2021