Elections Alabama House to consider bill requiring post-election audits The proposal would require post-election audits after every county and statewide general election in Alabama. Alex Jobin19 hours ago
State Snapshot of Alabama’s workforce Workforce is a hot topic in 2021 with no shortage of discussions about labor force participation rates, employee retention and labor shortages. StaffDecember 21, 2021
Congress Mo Brooks admits communications with far-right activist behind Jan. 6 Stop the Steal rally Brooks, through a spokesman in a January response to APR, said Brooks had "no recollection" of communicating with Ali Alexander. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 20, 2021
Health Federal appeals court reinstates Biden’s vaccine mandate The appeals court ruled that OSHA has the authority to regulate viruses in the workplace. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 20, 2021
Education University of Alabama Faculty Senate formally opposes ban of Critical Race Theory The University of Alabama Faculty Senate has officially passed a resolution stating its opposition to legislation banning critical race theory. Jacob HolmesDecember 20, 2021
Congress Sewell visits Birmingham to discuss Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Sewell was the lone member of the Alabama delegation to vote in favor of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. John H. GlennDecember 20, 2021
Congress Sewell to discuss infrastructure bill benefits at public events Monday Sewell plans to provide specific details on how the bill will help Alabama with some of its most needed infrastructure projects. Josh MoonDecember 20, 2021
Infrastructure Carl lends support to latest I-10 bridge proposal “My greatest concern is having the option for locals to cross the bay without paying a toll, so I’m encouraged by the latest bridge... StaffDecember 20, 2021
Governor Ivey issues formal comment letter on federal contractor mandate “In my view, the contractor mandate … is illegal and unconstitutional,” Ivey states in the letter. StaffDecember 20, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | The Christmas wish Christmas is a time for optimism. The New Year, a marker for self-evaluation and starting over and, with our resolutions, for looking forward. Joey KennedyDecember 19, 2021
Economy Alabama’s November unemployment rate holds steady at 3.1 percent November’s rate represents 68,673 unemployed persons, compared to 67,860 in October and 105,558 in November 2020. StaffDecember 17, 2021