Elections Alabama House to consider bill requiring post-election audits The proposal would require post-election audits after every county and statewide general election in Alabama. Alex Jobin17 hours ago
National CWS and MWO have merged The merger creates a 400-employee company providing water and wastewater operations and maintenance services to municipalities and private utilities. StaffDecember 29, 2021
Health COVID rising across Alabama The percentage of COVID tests in Alabama that are positive reached 18.2 percent on Sunday. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 28, 2021
Elections Mike Durant: possibly 80 employees could be fired over vaccine Durant said a survey at his 600-plus employee company found that between 10-20 percent would refuse the vaccine. Josh MoonDecember 28, 2021
Elections Alabama’s administrator of elections announces secretary of state candidacy Ed Packard, a Republican, calls for post-election audits after every election in Alabama. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 28, 2021
State 2022 World Games in Birmingham one of “22 great things” in upcoming year This is the first time the U.S. has hosted the World Games since the first World Games in Santa Clara, California in 1981. StaffDecember 28, 2021
Elections Many Democrats want to end the filibuster. Mo Brooks agrees Republican Senate candidate Mo Brooks recently renewed his longtime call to end the filibuster, a move that would be welcomed by many Democrats. Bill BrittDecember 27, 2021
Prisons APR’s 2021 coverage of Alabama’s deadly prison crisis Alabama's years-long deadly prison crisis continued throughout 2021. APR looks back on the year's coverage. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 27, 2021
Health Alabama’s positivity rate rising sharply as cases begin to increase Alabama's percent of tests that are positive increased by 76 percent over two weeks. New cases and hospitalizations are rising as well. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 24, 2021
Health Feds pause shipments of two monoclonal antibody treatments, ineffective against omicron The drugs were critical in preventing hospitalizations and deaths during the delta surge. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 24, 2021
Health FDA approves second antiviral COVID pill Merck’s drug, molnupiravir, was found to reduce hospitalizations and deaths by 30 percent, while Pfizer's antiviral pill had a nearly 90 percent reduction. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 24, 2021