Elections Alabama House to consider bill requiring post-election audits The proposal would require post-election audits after every county and statewide general election in Alabama. Alex Jobin13 hours ago
State APR’s top 5 stories of 2021 From an insurrection to medical marijuana, these are the top stories that captivated APR readers in 2021. Josh MoonDecember 31, 2021
State Josh Moon’s top 5 stories of 2021 A look back at my top stories from the past year. Josh MoonDecember 31, 2021
State Four stories worth remembering from 2021 Our complete inundation by this resilient and historic pandemic remains, as in 2020, the most significant story of this year—but not the only one. John H. GlennDecember 31, 2021
State Gov. Ivey awards $3.8 million in grants to help crime victims The grants will enable the nonprofit agencies to provide a variety of services to those who have been victims of crimes. StaffDecember 30, 2021
Health Alabama’s COVID positive rate reaches record high as hospitalizations increase COVID hospitalizations in Alabama on Wednesday reached 720, an 89 percent increase over two weeks. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 30, 2021
State Former Secretary of State, ADP chair Nancy Worley has died Worley was a former public school teacher and fierce advocate for public education. Josh MoonDecember 30, 2021
Prisons Federal judge extends deadline until 2025 to address mental health in prisons The judge's order states the Alabama Department of Corrections hasn't adequately addressed a deadly crisis for prisoners with mental health illnesses. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 29, 2021
Health CDC shortens recommended quarantine window for asymptomatic COVID-19 patients The CDC said the reduced timeline reflects the latest science on infection times with the spread of the omicron variant. StaffDecember 29, 2021
State 90 years on: Remembering the Scottsboro Boys Their legacy endures in several U.S. Supreme Court decisions recognizing Americans have the right to receive effective legal counsel. Liz RyanDecember 29, 2021
Elections Jefferson, Madison County GOP qualifying begins Jan. 4 Interested candidates have until Jan. 28 to qualify for the Republican primary. StaffDecember 29, 2021