State SPLC honors 60th anniversary of Bloody Sunday by urging others to continue the march Leaders said the chaos and confusion of today's political climate is a threat to the civil rights that Bloody Sunday leaders worked so hard... Jacob Holmes12 hours ago
Elections Multiple polls show Ivey with commanding lead in gubernatorial race Three new polls show Ivey could cruise to the GOP nomination without a runoff. Josh MoonMarch 16, 2022
Courts Transgender Alabamians tell court lack of accurate IDs puts their lives at risk The state has said they would rescind accurate licenses if the appeals court overturns the lower court decision. StaffMarch 16, 2022
News Sheriff, constable take home top honors at first responders awards dinner All awards were based on submissions to the association's website by the general public. StaffMarch 16, 2022
Elections New poll shows Durant, Britt leading U.S. Senate race, Ivey still strong The poll conducted by the Forestry Association shows Britt and Durant pulling away from Brooks, while Ivey holds a commanding lead. Josh MoonMarch 15, 2022
Prisons Mother seeks answers after son’s likely drug overdose death in Alabama prison Barbara Maxwell says her son's death was preventable, and that officials need to act to rid the state's prisons of drugs. Eddie BurkhalterMarch 15, 2022
Economy Alabama’s January unemployment rate holds steady at 3.1 percent Alabama’s preliminary, seasonally adjusted January unemployment rate is 3.1 percent, unchanged from December 2021’s rate. StaffMarch 15, 2022
Health Governor awards $30 million to rural hospitals COVID recovery grants Alabama received $2.1 billion in American Rescue Plan Act funds. StaffMarch 15, 2022
Education Secretary Barbara Cooper elected to National Association’s Board of Directors The National Association for the Education of Young Children recently announced the election of Department of Early Childhood Education Secretary Barbara Cooper. StaffMarch 15, 2022
Health Two years with COVID, a look back on lessons learned Jefferson County Health Officer Dr. Mark Wilson and UAB epidemiologist Dr. Rachael Lee look back on the first two years of COVID. Eddie BurkhalterMarch 14, 2022
Congress Sewell elected chair of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Sewell has been a member of the Congressional Black Caucus in the U.S. House since 2011 and co-chairs its Voting Rights Task Force. John H. GlennMarch 14, 2022