State SPLC honors 60th anniversary of Bloody Sunday by urging others to continue the march Leaders said the chaos and confusion of today's political climate is a threat to the civil rights that Bloody Sunday leaders worked so hard... Jacob Holmes4 hours ago
State Civil rights group sues City of Florence over ordinances used to curb protests Protesters say the police chief began requiring them to pay for police protection and even used noise ordinances on unamplified voices. StaffApril 20, 2022
State AG Marshall announces millions in settlements with opioid manufacturers, distributors The settlement funds are to be used to remediate the harms caused by the opioid crisis in Alabama. StaffApril 20, 2022
Health General Fund budget will address Alabama’s maternal mortality crisis Advocates say extended coverage is the start of a "healthy future" for Alabama mothers. StaffApril 20, 2022
Elections 27 days left to apply for an absentee ballot by mail for primary election May 17, 2022, is the last day that absentee ballot applications can be returned by mail. StaffApril 20, 2022
Economy Westwater Resources, Alabama Graphite Products break ground on Kellyton processing plant The $202 million plant will process raw graphite for use in batteries that power electric vehicles, electronics and many other products. StaffApril 20, 2022
State Southern Prep Academy Banquet on April 22 Mike Durant, Alabama U.S. Senate Candidate, will be the keynote speaker. StaffApril 20, 2022
Elections Rep. Wes Allen leads fundraising pack in secretary of state race Allen has raised the most, and has the largest remaining balance in the race. Eddie BurkhalterApril 19, 2022
Health Lawsuits designed to block new law criminalizing transgender medical treatment dropped An attorney for the plaintiffs said she expects the lawsuits to be refiled. Jacob HolmesApril 19, 2022
Infrastructure Report: Alabama’s Black Belt infrastructure needs investments, attention The Education Policy Center report notes Alabama has made strides since 2019 toward addressing infrastructure problems, but more is needed. Eddie BurkhalterApril 19, 2022
Elections Katie Britt outraised Mike Durant by nearly five times in 1st quarter of 2022 U.S. Senate candidate Mike Durant's loans to his campaign put him ahead of Britt's total, however. Eddie BurkhalterApril 19, 2022