State SPLC honors 60th anniversary of Bloody Sunday by urging others to continue the march Leaders said the chaos and confusion of today's political climate is a threat to the civil rights that Bloody Sunday leaders worked so hard... Jacob Holmes7 hours ago
Governor Ivey makes new round of state appointments The appointments to several state boards and a judgeship are effective immediately. Jacob HolmesOctober 25, 2022
Elections Republican PAC to launch ad campaign encouraging straight-ticket voting Rep. Scott Stadthagen's PAC will encourage voters to spend five seconds filling out a ballot. Josh MoonOctober 25, 2022
Elections Alabama mayors urge support for “Aniah’s Law” The first amendment on the Nov. 8 ballot, "Aniah's Law" would allow judges to deny bail to people charged with violent Class A Felonies. Jacob HolmesOctober 25, 2022
Education “Nation’s Report Card:” Alabama test scores decline less than other states But Alabama's test scores in mathematics and reading proficiency are still below the national average. John H. GlennOctober 25, 2022
Economy Wage Gap task force begins hashing out policy recommendations One of the most prominent recommendations discussed by the task force was banning the discussion of salary history. Jacob HolmesOctober 25, 2022
Infrastructure Study: Alabama’s Port delivers $85 billion in value to state The Port of Mobile harbor-wide delivered $85 billion in value to the state of Alabama in calendar year 2021. StaffOctober 25, 2022
Education Sewell to host Magic City Classic Issue Forum on student debt cancellation Sewell will also announce a total of $1,000,000 in federal funding for Alabama State and Alabama A&M. StaffOctober 24, 2022
State SPLC turns 50, charts course for the future On Friday evening, the organization celebrated its 50th anniversary by hosting an event focused on its course for the next 50 years. Jacob HolmesOctober 24, 2022
National Survey: Majority of voters believe abortion should not be a crime The vast majority of Republicans, 77 percent, according to the survey, oppose criminalization before fetal viability. John H. GlennOctober 24, 2022
State Local agencies receive $2.58 million to assist low-income families with utility costs The funds are from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. StaffOctober 24, 2022