Education State Superintendent Mackey reassures Board of Education amid federal cuts Dr. Mackey said that currently, he does not believe federal cuts will not impact core programs but communication and structure may change. Mary Claire Wooten18 hours ago
Education Community colleges offer no-cost fiber optic technician training Salaries and demand for fiber optic technicians and installers are on the rise. StaffApril 25, 2023
National SCLC president calls for commitment ending racism Americans need to commit to a campaign to educate citizens and end racism, Dr. Charles Steele said. Patrick DarringtonApril 24, 2023
Environment NOAA awards more than $27M to The Nature Conservancy in Alabama Funding will be split between two coastal Alabama projects. StaffApril 24, 2023
News Electric vehicles displayed in Birmingham, Mobile and Fort Payne At each of Saturday’s three EV showcases, electric vehicle owners talked one-on-one with visitors. StaffApril 24, 2023
Environment ADEM celebrates Earth Day 2023 Earth Day is celebrated internationally each April 22. StaffApril 24, 2023
Education Ivey forces resignation of Education secretary over “woke” Pre-K book Gov. Kay Ivey said the book includes ideas that “larger systemic forces perpetuate White privilege” among other things. Jacob HolmesApril 21, 2023
Economy Gov. Ivey announces new record low unemployment rate for Alabama Over the year, wage and salary employment increased 47,200. StaffApril 21, 2023
Public safety Arrests in Dadeville shooting up to six With three arrests on Thursday, law enforcement officials have now charged six suspects in connection to the deadly shooting. Josh MoonApril 21, 2023
News Special Olympics Alabama State Games “Rise with Us” again at Troy University Competitions will include 10 sports conducted both on the Troy Campus and at venues in the city of Troy. StaffApril 21, 2023
Governor Local agencies receive $4.4 million in grants to weatherize homes Gov. Kay Ivey awarded the grants to community agencies to assist elderly, low-income residents. StaffApril 20, 2023