Education State Superintendent Mackey reassures Board of Education amid federal cuts Dr. Mackey said that currently, he does not believe federal cuts will not impact core programs but communication and structure may change. Mary Claire Wooten1 day ago
Prisons Two incarcerated men found dead in separate facilities Wednesday With their passing, at least 54 individuals have died in Alabama state prisons this year. Patrick DarringtonJune 5, 2023
State Huntsville population surges, decline slows in other Alabama cities Tuscaloosa and Auburn-Opelika have seen population boons, while newer suburbs of the big four cities also showed good growth. Jacob HolmesJune 5, 2023
Governor Ivey signs bill giving more leniency before driver’s license suspension Advocates argued that debt-based suspensions only created further harm. Patrick DarringtonJune 5, 2023
State Ivey signs bill making Yellowhammer Cookie official state cookie The bill came about after students at Trinity Presbyterian School realized the state had no official state cookie. Patrick DarringtonJune 5, 2023
Education Gov. Ivey delivers another pay raise to Alabama teachers Ivey has overseen a total increase of 15 percent during her time as governor. StaffJune 5, 2023
Economy Innovate Alabama launches tax credit program The discretionary program will provide support to programs designed for innovative small businesses. StaffJune 2, 2023
Education State Treasurer’s Office Kicks Off Annual College Savings Giveaway CollegeCounts will randomly select 29 winners to receive $529 in contributions. StaffJune 2, 2023
Elections Thomas shows strong fundraising start in Lee County district judge race Lee County Chief Assistant District Attorney Clay Thomas, a first-time candidate, raised over $30,000 so far this year. StaffJune 2, 2023
Health Anti-vape bills pass second committees The bills target vaping devices regardless of the e-liquid used. Samuel StettheimerJune 1, 2023
Aerospace and Defense Alabama officials support congressional investigation of Space Force HQ delay Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall has not announced a final decision. Samuel StettheimerJune 1, 2023